To solve these problems, no measurement whatsoever is needed for the boundary voltage, the conductivity of liquid aluminum and bath solution in the reduction cell. 文中引用相对电压和电位以及相对电导的概念,无需精确地测定电解槽边界电压和电解液、铝液的电导率,即可求解这两类问题,并可提高计算的精度。
Study on the Electrical Conductivity of Nickel Aluminate Spinel Used as Inert Anode in Aluminum Electrolysis Cell 镍铝尖晶石基铝用惰性阳极导电性的初步研究
The conductivity of cathode materials for molten carbonate fuel cell ( MCFC), such as lithium nickel oxide, lithium cobalt oxide and lithium ferrite oxide, was studied by AC impedance measurement. 通过交流阻抗方法研究了熔融碳酸盐燃料电池阴极材料锂镍氧化物、锂钴氧化物和锂铁氧化物的导电性能。
Electrophysiological study on the conductivity of transitional cell in atrioventricular septum in rabbits and its morphologic basis 兔心房室隔过渡细胞的传导性及其电生理基础
Approach has been made on separating conditions of benzene, methyl benzene ethy benzene, o-xylene, m-xylene and p-xylene isomeride through gas chromatography of packed column thermal conductivity cell. 采用填充柱热导池气相色谱法,对苯、甲苯、乙苯及邻、间、对二甲苯异构体的分离条件进行探讨。
Conclusion ( 1) Rb1 can improve ischemic nerve conductivity, lessen the severity of sport function and protect ischemic cell damage and nerve-cell necrosis. 结论1Rb1能改善缺血神经的传导功能,减轻运动功能障碍程度。
There are five major parts in this research. ( 1) Designing electric equipment which can not only place material to test electrical conductivity, but also plant cell into little chamber. 此研究包括五个部分:(1)设计既可以放置复合材料测试其导电性,又可以将细胞种植在腔内的导电装置,并构建10通道直流电刺激系统。
The model shows that the TMV depends on parameters such as the external electric field, critical angle of electroporation, cell radium, conductivity of the cytoplasm, membrane and external medium, cell arrangement and cell volume fraction. 模型表明在穿孔期间,细胞膜跨膜电压和外加电场大小,细胞膜穿孔临界角,细胞半径,细胞质、细胞膜和膜外溶液的电导率、细胞排列以及细胞浓度等参量有关。
Moreover the effect of common-ground and the influence of high voltage on detective system was eliminated effectively. A New Type of Miniature Conductivity Cell and Eliminating Common-ground Effect in Capillary Electrophoresis 较好地消除了毛细管电泳(CE)在柱电导检测装置中存在的共地效应,排除了在线检测时高压分离回路对电导检测回路的干扰.新型微型电导池的研制及共地效应的消除
A method for making micro conductivity cell was described. 本文叙述了制作微型电导池的一种方法。
These indicate that the increase of electric conductivity in diabetic patients 'blood is due to electric capacitance conductivity that is related to the changes of cell membrane, deformation abilities and aggregation of RBC. 表明糖尿病人的血液交流导电性增加主要是容性导电的增加,应与红细胞膜变化,红细胞变形能力和聚集性改变相关。
Determination of Graphite Thermal Conductivity at High Temperature in Rare Earth Electrolysis Cell 稀土电解槽用石墨高温导热系数的测定
The changes in activities of superoxide dismutase ( SOD), peroxidase ( POD), contents of malonaldehyde ( MDA) and relative conductivity in leaf cell of different tomato varieties were tested after tomato seedling were treated by Toxin from Cladosporium fulvum. 以番茄幼苗为材料,研究了叶霉病菌毒素对番茄叶片内SOD酶、POD酶活性及叶片细胞相对电导率和MDA含量变化的影响。
The effect of the structure of the conductivity cell on the measurement accuracy was investigated, and the conductivity cell with a shorter distance between two electrodes had smaller relative error of the measurement results. 探讨了电导池结构对测量精度的影响,电极间距离短的电导池测量结果的相对误差小。
After chromosome doubling and electric conductivity measuring, 9 variants with higher stability of cell membrane to heat stress than the original varieties were selected. 经过染色体加倍后,通过热胁迫条件下电导率的测定,筛选出9份细胞膜热稳定性比原始品种明显提高的变异体材料。
In-Situ Measurement of Electrical Conductivity in Diamond Anvil Cell 金刚石对顶砧上原位电导率测量方法
Electrical Conductivity of Various Conductors in Aluminium Electrolysis Cell 铝电解中诸类导体的导电机理
The area resistances of eight kinds of ion-exchange membranes were measured by the conductivity cell with higher precision, the results were similar to those provided by the manufacturers. 利用精度高的电导池测定了8种离子交换膜的面电阻,结果与厂家公布的数据相差不大。
Choice of equivalent circuit for Jones type conductivity cell JONES型电导池测量的LCR电桥等效电路选择
The expression of firing condition, dielectric constant and electrical conductivity of AC plasma display cell can be derived from the equation's solution. 由此方程的解导出了等离子体显示单元的电导率、介电常数以及着火条件的表达式。
A new kind of miniature conductivity cell was made with a clever and handy method, which has no dead volume and has large area of electrode, high resolution and sensitivity. 使用简便的方法制作了电极面积大、无死体积、分辨率高、检测限低的微型电导池;
Through analysing the three trouble phenomenon, the base of principle thermal conductivity cell detector 、 thermal conductivity cell temperature controller and micro current amplifier for Gas Chromatography 103 are recommended. 通过三例故障现象的分析,介绍103气相色谱仪热导池检测器、热导池温度控制器和微电流放大器的工作原理。
Relationships between milk electrical conductivity, somatic cell counts and intramammary infection 牛奶电导率和体细胞含量及乳腺感染关系的研究
The electric conductivity of granular material is obtained by the excitation of the conductivity cell with alternating signal and the moisture content is displayed directly. 仪器采用交流信号激励,取得与粉粒体物料电导成比例的信号,经信号变换处理电路后,由表头显示水分含量。
Objective: To study the effects of conductivity and temperture in suspension medium on measurement of Red Blood Cell ( RBC) rheological property with impedance method during the relaxation process. 目的:本文着重研究用电阻抗法测量红细胞松弛过程时,悬浮介质电导率和温度对其的影响。
Using GDX-103 as fixing phase in packed column and using thermal conductivity cell as detector, All compositions are separated in the suitable condition by temperature program. 用聚合物固定相GDX-103作柱内填充物,用热导检测器,程序升温色谱法,在最佳色谱条件下,可将样中各组分完全分离。
The cold resistance of Sweet Cherry was determined by relative conductivity, which better reflect the changes of cell membrane permeability and the extent of injury intuitively in different Sweet Cherry varieties. 用相对电导率测定甜樱桃抗寒性,较好地反映甜樱桃细胞脂膜透性的变化,直观地反映出甜樱桃受伤害的程度。
Thiophene molecules has a good conductivity as candidate materials of solar cell. So in this thesis, thiophene molecules are assembled with gold atoms cluster as molecular devices to study their volt-ampere characteristics, electrical and electrical, electrical and electronic transmission spectrum. 而噻吩分子也具有很高的导电能力,可以作为太阳能电池的候选材料,因此本文以噻吩有机分子为研究对象和金原子团簇构建分子器件来研究其的伏安特性、电导和电子传输谱。